Flash Optimizer is the most powerful SWF compressor available today. It reduces SWF files size up to 60-70% without quality loss thanks to amazing algorithms of vectors, shapes, morphing, Z-buffer, fonts and other revolutionary optimizations.
Graphical Field Management of GPS Measurements, Import of ESRI-Shape-, NMEA- and Mororola files, EU conform Field Protocol, True-of-scale Print in free selectable scale
There are are few useful mail list manager amd maling software on the market, however after you send mesage you don't have enough information if it was really delivered or not or what is more important if it as read or not.
Modeled after classic mortgage calculators but with greater detail, The "Cost of Smoking" Financial calculator is FREEWARE that determines the amount of money "one could save" if one didn't spend that money on cigarettes when smoking during user specified time periods in the past and projected time periods in the future.