PDFWiz is a handy pdf management tool that lets you create, merge, insert watermarks, insert and append pages, rotate pages, delete pages, extract pages to a seperate file.
The FutureWare Personal HypertensionTracker application for PC and Palm maintains a history of daily blood pressure readings, which are displayed in a set of color-coded bar charts, which can be printed in tabular form, which can be faxed to a prescribing physician office, and optionally can be sent over a secure Internet connection to a prescribing physician for remote monitoring if the physician has the FutureWare MedWatch program.
CyberMotion ist ein integriertes 3D-Grafik-Paket mit allen Werkzeugen zum Modellieren, Animieren und Rendern photorealistischer 3D-Szenen inklusive Landschafts- und Atmosphäre-Editoren, Charakteranimation, Partikelgeneratoren, Global Illumination über Photon Mapping, Ambient Occlusion und HDRI-Rendering, Caustics und vielem mehr.
PS to Image is a windows application sdk which can directly convert ps/eps to dozens of image formats, such as bmp,tiff,jpeg,gif,png,pcx,emf , wmf , and so on.