Indigo Scape Home delivers advanced Internet security features at a budget price and is perfect for restricting Internet access to family and home office computers systems.
Serial Communication SDK to add serial communications to your project. Communicate with a modem, scanner, printer, weight indicator or any other serial port device.
File Tree Printer is a Windows based directory printer, The directory printer is used to print or export directory listings or CD/DVD listings to a text file, which can be displayed, edited or printed by other programs such as Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word.
Sitemap Writer Pro is an easy- to -use program, fast and efficient, which offers 6 different types of sitemaps (Standard Sitemap, Google News, Google Video, Google Code Search, Google Geo, Google Mobile) to properly index every website, generate an xml sitemap and upload it to all search engines that support XML sitemaps (Google, Yahoo, Ask.